Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Clean Slate

Holy moly it's 2011. That pretty much snuck up on me from nowhere. But in some ways I am rather thankful for it. Somehow Christmas 2010 ended up being very very gifty for me. And as much as I really did love making and giving away so many things. It did also result in me being even more stressed out than I am normally (which is a lot).

Now the holidays and all of their madness (and awesomeness) have come and gone. Ideally I'd be moving on and thinking on all of the awesomeness that I can accomplish in 2011. But instead I've decided that I want to take some time to re-cap some of the awesomeness that went unmentioned here in 2010.

First up is my tree:
Notable things in this picture: The amazingly cute penguin (a spontaneous Target purchase by Bran). Lots o' presents (and that wasn't even all of them). And new light up Moravian star tree topper (purchased to replace the mostly but not quite all completed overly large paper Moravian star I glued together last year).

Next presents ready for transport:
As I was packing all of this I thought that for what I think would be the first time ever I might actually go home (to my parents) with more than I returned to the apartment with. Pretty sure that didn't actually come true in the end.

Stay tuned next time for the story of the epic blanket:

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