Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekly Goal WrapUp, 11/20

It took some pretty serious nose to the grind stone, but I rocked the list this week.
  1. Piece multi-color hex bag
  2. Sew bag lining for blue hex bag
  3. 3 color work ornament- Everytime I successfully complete one of these stockings I fall in love again.
  4. 2 solid ornament
  5. Finish bag top and bottom
  6. Bag handle
  7. Sew bag lining for multi-color hex bag - I got way faster the 2nd time.
  8. 24 hex circles -I was so close to having enough but I ran out of 3 of the 4 colors (shades of green and yellow) at 22 circles. So I figured out a new configuration that should work.
  9. Ply 4 oz of Rosie- Although turns out it was only 3.5. But it was super amazing because my two 'bobbins' were virtually the exact same length. Like wow.
  10. Prep 3 oz of Rosie  - actually I only fully prepped 2 but I sorted through through the whole rest of the fleece and bagged up what I will be keeping and the 1.7 that remains to be spun.
  11. Spin at least 2 oz of Rosie
  12. Knit Squirrel - He has a body but nothing more.
  13. Knit Fox - More epic cuteness.
  14. Knit Mouse with beret - Well he's still in pieces, but all of the pieces are there.
  15. Knit many animal scarfs
  16. Add eyes and noses to animals -Added the finishing touches to all of them, but I'm a bit afraid my details are a bit of a weak point. May want to re-evaluate for the future.
  17. Add Fringe to Super Bulky Scarf - Super easy to do and while some mixed opinions on the addition made me a bit hesitant I think it looks great.
  18. Bulky Crochet Scarf
  19. Create a business identity - Yay clean and simple.
  20. Design business cards - Clean and simple but a touch of yarn for pop. I'm way too excited about my own design skills in this....not usually a good sign.
  21. Design item tags

Bonus Items:
  • Establish online business presence - It's a modified blogger page (free!), but I'm really digging what I'm able to do with it.
  • Super Bulky Scarf - I am totally making myself one of these once I have time again. And the shade of green I had for this is just perfect.

So 19 out of 21 things accomplished. Plus 2 bonus items which I say easily offsets the 2 missing tasks. Woohoo.

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