Friday, April 9, 2010

Craft stuff

I set out to organize all of my craft materials.....this is no easy feat. Here I shall tell the story in pictures:

I have a rather large amount of arts and crafts supplies. And some of it is totally still in storage at my parents...
Sewing, knitting, paper, fabric on and on...
Paint, glue, brushes, pins, thread...
I didn't even realize the patterns in this thing I grabbed from my Grandmother's house were so awesome.

I don't know how to use this thing.
Crazy old art kit (still awesome as proven by recent use). But where are the colored pencils?
Based on the fact that these were arranged by color years ago I'd say I'm a fan of organization :-)
Gotta love some mostly, but not fully, completed hand sewn min-penguins. This was an awesome project.
It was practically a million years ago that I made these and tried to sell them.
The missing colored pencils were found in a bag of buttons!
These be some old sewing notions. Most likely pirated from my parents house. I'm thinking they won't miss them :-)
Someday I will finish this butterfly box mosaic. And until then I'll keep collecting paint chips because they are awesome.
Seems like projects never quite use the whole roll of batting.
The set is once again complete. I can now rest easy.
Pretty soon I shall need a bigger tin for my embroidery floss. That or I need to take up more embroidery. That's a good plan.
Everything now has a place with it's like kind.

Rock on!

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